Tuesday 30 December 2014

Second Draft of my double page spread

As I said previously, I wanted my second double page spread to be completely different so that I had a range of different styles and layouts to choose from and decide which I preferred the most. I think this double page spread went well ,as its very basic and plain which is exactly the look that I wanted to achieve. I once again kept to a colour scheme, however this time instead of my typical black white and red, I used black white blue and deep purple. The reason I decided on this was because Ellie had no background behind her image, so I thought this gave me the opportunity to use her outfit colours to contrast with the text. This also gave it a professional and edgy look which I liked a lot.

I wanted to continue giving my magazine identity, so therefore I kept the title of the magazine in the right top hand corner of the page along with the subtitle underneath. I also positioned the text 'ELLIE GOULDING' rather largely on the page so it drew the readers attention and straight away made them aware of who and what the interview was about.

I enjoyed creating these drafts and felt they all went pretty successful, as it gave me a lot of new ideas and skills which I can use to create my real magazine.

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