Tuesday 16 December 2014

Draft of my magazine

This is a draft of what I want my magazine to look like. Having a rough outline will make it easier for me when creating the real thing. My chosen genre is 'indie pop', therefore I had to choose a suitable name title which was relatable. I thought that including the genre in the title would make the magazine more recognisable, which is why I am going to call it 'IPM' which stands for 'indie pop music', I am going to be using that as my slogan/sub heading so people know what the name represents. I also want the title to appear behind the main image so it looks more professional, however with this chosen image, it was hard to create this effect, however I will attempt to do this on my real front cover.

I chose the colour red as it goes well with Ellie Goulding and stands out against her. I went for black and white text for the rest of the magazine as I think these colours are suitable and readable for the audience. I put some of the sell lines in the same colour as the title so it made it stand out and contrast well. I purposely put Ellie Goulding's name on the cover and a snippet of her interview to portray her importance of being on the front cover.

The image I used for this mock up is taken from Google, however my final image will be taken myself. I think the image I chose was a good replica of where I want text and heading o be positioned, however I'm glad I've had the chance to create a draft, as the image I chose originally is different to the image I would have preferred, as I would like to have the model looking directly into the camera rather than closing her eyes, so that the audience feel more involved. On the other hand, I like the centre mid shot as this allows their to be information placed around the image which gives the cover structure as well as drawing the readers attention straight to the middle of the page, which is exactly what I aim to do.

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