Friday 19 December 2014

The User and Gratification

The User and Gratification Model
  • Power lies with the audience, not the producers
  • Theory emphasises what audiences do with media texts – how and why they use them
  • Audience is free to reject use and play with media meanings

Audience use media texts to gratify needs for:
  • Diversion
  • Escapism
  • Pleasure
  • Information
  • Relaxation
  • Sexual stimulation
Audience is in control and consumption of the media helps people with issues such as:
  • Learning
  • Emotional satisfaction
  • Relaxation
  • Help with issues of personal identity
  • Help with issues of social identity
  • Help with issues of aggression and violence
Indie-Pop is a genre of Alternative Rock, It's a very unique and independent music taste with differs from indie pop as it's more melodic, less abrasive and relatively angst-free.
People that are into the guitar, drums or keyboard would like this sort of music as them type of instruments are commonly used in this genre.

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