Tuesday 30 December 2014

Draft of my Double Page Spread

This is my first attempt at creating a double page spread. I chose to do an interview, as when researching other double page spreads, I found this was most common. My article was on the artist 'Ellie Goulding', as I thought she is quite a well known artist in which my target audience would find interesting. I chose questions specific to the topic of music from how she started her career to how she got herself where she is now.

I decided to continue using basic colours of black white and red as these contrast well with the image as the colours used for the image are very gentle and subtle. Also keeping the similar trend of colours would give my magazine a noticeable house style which is what I wanted to have. I also kept a plain white background so that the text stood out. I chose the questions to be in bold to highlight importance and difference in narration. I also decided to use a big letter 'E' as I noticed this was familiar on the 'Q' magazine and I liked this idea a lot so wanted to try it out on my magazine which I think worked rather well. I coloured the 'E' in a light grey so that it stood out but also allowed the overlap of text from the interview be clearly readable.

I wanted my magazine to have identity throughout so by having the title on the top made people reading it recognise it straight away. For my second double page draft, I wanted to change the layout, so that I can include more interview and images, rather than just one page of interview and one page of an image.

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