Monday 2 February 2015

Double Page Spread

Choosing the photo for the double page spread was tough because there were a few different photo's that I thought worked really well. I done my research and found that the image of the double page spread can be less serious which is why I opted for picture where she is smiling and her pose is very relaxed. I specifically asked my model to wear something very creative and fun to give the impression that the interview is very light hearted and interesting.

I felt there wasn't any major editing which needed doing accept for adjusting the contrast a little, as I used a pretty good camera to take my photo's and was lucky that my setting had good weather and lighting. I added some writing onto the image which originally I wanted in the colour white. I found this colour made is hard to see due to the background so I stuck to black as it was legible. I placed the text next to the model so that it filled up the space and made it seem as if it was Megan who said the quote.
As I've mentioned previously, the magazine 'Q' has been my biggest inspiration and where I've got the majority of my ideas from. I noticed a lot of the double page spreads from 'Q' had the fist letter of the singers name displayed behind the text. I loved this idea and felt it would give the magazine a very modern, creative and professional look. Unlike 'Q' who had the letter in red, I preferred the coloured to be light grey so that the text would stand out more. As the magazine is about music, I wanted to keep the article music related, which is why I asked questions though out the interview such as "where does your inspiration come from when writing songs" etc. I kept the page number and the models name in the same burgundy colour to show a consistency link and house style throughout my magazine. I wanted to insert a picture of me and Megan in the bottom corner to make the interview seem more realistic, as I have seen some magazines do this and I thought it looks quite sleek.

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