Friday 28 November 2014

Questionnaire of my magazine

Questionnaire In order for me to produce a good magazine, I need to gather opinions from my target audience in order to collate feedback to help improve. I have asked a series of questions so that I can adapt their opinions into making my magazine more likeable. The questions I have asked below are a range of their own preferences towards other magazines and their view/opinion on the look and style of my prototype magazine.

1. What gender are you?
Leah- female
Daniella- female
Fran- female
Ana - female
Ethan- male

2. How often do you by Magazines?
Leah- not very often
Daniella- monthly
Fran- monthly
Ethan- varies, sometimes I'll get one every week, but then other times I may not bother
Ana- I subscribe to a magazine monthly

3. Do you like the house style of the magazine?
Leah- yes

Daniella- yes
Fran- yes
Ethan- yes
Ana- yes

4. Do you like the magazine name?
Leah- yes
Daniella- yes
Fran- yes
Ethan- yes
Ana- yes, I like it as it's short which will make readers remember it.

5. How can I improve the front cover main image?
Leah- have a sub title so that readers know what your magazine title stands for.
Daniella- I would try and position the title behind the magazine.
Fran- you should focus on making the writing around the image stand out against the background.
Ethan- make sure the photo is related to the genre.
Ana- I would experiment with the housestyle/colour of the magazine to make sure it is right, as you may use another style which goes better with the image.

6. What else can I add to make my magazine have a more professional edge?
Leah- keeping to standard colours rather than anything overly vibrant.
Daniella- make the title big and bold so that it stands out.
Fran- position the title behind the model in order to make the model stand out.
Ethan- try and range of serif fonts and sans serif fonts to make sure the one you are using is correct, as the writing is the most important part of the magazine as it's the main reason people buy the magazine.
Ana- stay away from the edge of the magazine as more white space make thing magazine look more professional, and it saves the worry of any text of image being cut off the sides.

7. What do you like most about it?
Leah- I think the images you chose were good.
Daniella- I like how you have stuck to one or two fonts maximum, which makes the magazine look more professional and legible to read. Also this makes it look less clustered which gives it structure.
Fran- your genre 'indie-pop' is well portrayed in your magazine.
Ethan- the colours you have chosen are simplistic which makes it clear and readable.
Ana- I like the image as the talent is someone well known which will appeal to most people.

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