Friday 28 November 2014

Questionnaire of my magazine

Questionnaire In order for me to produce a good magazine, I need to gather opinions from my target audience in order to collate feedback to help improve. I have asked a series of questions so that I can adapt their opinions into making my magazine more likeable. The questions I have asked below are a range of their own preferences towards other magazines and their view/opinion on the look and style of my prototype magazine.

1. What gender are you?
Leah- female
Daniella- female
Fran- female
Ana - female
Ethan- male

2. How often do you by Magazines?
Leah- not very often
Daniella- monthly
Fran- monthly
Ethan- varies, sometimes I'll get one every week, but then other times I may not bother
Ana- I subscribe to a magazine monthly

3. Do you like the house style of the magazine?
Leah- yes

Daniella- yes
Fran- yes
Ethan- yes
Ana- yes

4. Do you like the magazine name?
Leah- yes
Daniella- yes
Fran- yes
Ethan- yes
Ana- yes, I like it as it's short which will make readers remember it.

5. How can I improve the front cover main image?
Leah- have a sub title so that readers know what your magazine title stands for.
Daniella- I would try and position the title behind the magazine.
Fran- you should focus on making the writing around the image stand out against the background.
Ethan- make sure the photo is related to the genre.
Ana- I would experiment with the housestyle/colour of the magazine to make sure it is right, as you may use another style which goes better with the image.

6. What else can I add to make my magazine have a more professional edge?
Leah- keeping to standard colours rather than anything overly vibrant.
Daniella- make the title big and bold so that it stands out.
Fran- position the title behind the model in order to make the model stand out.
Ethan- try and range of serif fonts and sans serif fonts to make sure the one you are using is correct, as the writing is the most important part of the magazine as it's the main reason people buy the magazine.
Ana- stay away from the edge of the magazine as more white space make thing magazine look more professional, and it saves the worry of any text of image being cut off the sides.

7. What do you like most about it?
Leah- I think the images you chose were good.
Daniella- I like how you have stuck to one or two fonts maximum, which makes the magazine look more professional and legible to read. Also this makes it look less clustered which gives it structure.
Fran- your genre 'indie-pop' is well portrayed in your magazine.
Ethan- the colours you have chosen are simplistic which makes it clear and readable.
Ana- I like the image as the talent is someone well known which will appeal to most people.

Audience Pleasures

Audience pleasures are a set of techniques which a magazine will use in order to persuade their target audience to by their product and to maintain readership. Although the saying 'don't judge a book buy it's cover' is true, subconsciously we all do it, therefore overall looks are vital when producing a magazine as this is the first thing the audience visualises.

The magazine will use many different forms of direct address in order to persuade the reader. Some of these may include:

Information - the main content of this magazine is obviously music related, but I also need to make sure the information I put inside is going to appeal to the audience, for example I can include things such as tour dates, top charts and interviews which all hopefully entertain the readers.

Type of Language used - this is very important, especially when having a specific age group of readers. My magazine in particular is aimed at teens to mid twenties so therefore I want to use informal, colloquial language, as this will be familiar and allow the audience to relate to what I am saying. I will also include personal pronouns such as 'we' 'you' 'us', to make the readers feel inclusive and part of the music community.

Ritual pleasure of consuming the familar subscription - I have decided that my magazine will have a fortnightly subscription, meaning they won't have to wait too long for a new issue, but gives them a little wait which makes them excited to read whats too come. The reader having a subscription allows them to share the same recreation as other readers which may give them a sense of importance. It also gives them the opportunity of self definition, which means that the magazine will enable them to identify and develop their own character, personality and tastes/interests.

Other things which may influence a reader are the types of images used on the main cover and throughout the issue; free gifts and competitions, as these in particular engross the reader and make them enjoy what they are reading.

Monday 24 November 2014

Technology and Equipment I will use

When producing my magazine I will need to know what types of software I will be using, as well as the types of equipment so that it makes it easier when it comes to using it.

The types of software I will be using are google and youtube, as these will be great when it comes to researching. I will also be using publisher on a desktop computer to  help with creating mocks for my magazine.

Types of Equipment I will be using to research, plan and construct my magazine are a laptop/desktop computer or iMac depending on whats available and what programmes I need. I will also need a keyboard & mouse to input data. I'm going to be taking my photos with a Fuji-film camera from school to ensure I have the best quality resolution possible.

Risk Assessment

I have decided to take my photos in the school grounds as I am using a fellow student to model for the front cover of my music magazine. I must ensure the location where I am taking my photos are safe and not harmful to myself or the person I am taking photos of.

Being in the months of November/December, the weather has very lower temperatures, however for some photos my model will be wearing minimal clothing, so I will have to make sure my model doesn't get too cold whilst being outside for a short period of time.

If the weather is snowing or raining, then I will make alternative plans and take my photos inside and specifically the schools drama room. I would hope to take them on a plain white background, however this doesn't matter too much as I can always edit out the background afterwards. If this was too happen, I would have to check for dangers such as lighting and wires/cables which could be scattered on the floor, therefore I would need to move any of these hazards to the side before taking my photos.

Friday 21 November 2014

Socio Economic Grouping

Socio-economic grouping is a measure of an individuals social background, based on their occupation and employment status. There are 11 categories in which someone can be categorised.

Category A consists of people in the Upper Middle class, for example, land gentry, or large business owners etc. Next category is the Middle Class which comes under band B. These people have professional jobs or are high up in the army. The next two bands are the lower middle class which fall into bands C1 and C2. C1 are professional admin workers, whereas C2 represents the lower to skilled workers such as plumbers, carpenters, roofers. The last two bands are D and E. D is classed as 'working class' in which people work with no or little skill in their job (supermarket workers, cleaners etc.) The final band E, contains people who aren't employed or students that are either at college, school or university.

I personally feel that categorising people using this method is very unfair as it does not overlook the background or circumstances of someone's life, as well as their personality. This method only takes account for the persons job role, and doesn't think about economic situations such as a recession. Overall, I have come to a conclusion that I am not going to choose a specific band in which my audience should be in, as I feel a persons music interest does not depend on whether they own their own business or just go to school.