Monday 20 October 2014

Mass Media

Mass media is the various ways of how information reaches large groups of people through the methods shown below. This can be transferred through 'opinion leaders' who change the way someone thinks.
This image above very cleverly illustrates how one persons opinion about someone or something started off by an 'opinion leader' can spread to someone else in social contact with this person.
I think people should have their own opinion rather than listen/look and follow others, however this is easier said than done. Furthermore, this adds to the point of not following the crowd to fit in, as their opinions may not be right and you can't rely on someone else to think for you.
Another example of this is Social Media which is also influenced by the another persons opinion. Nowadays we are so caught up with celebrity lifestyle and our role models posting their daily events on sites such as Instagram, Blogger, Twitter, Facebook etc. The idea of being in direct contact through social media forces us to believe what these people are doing or saying is right and so naturally spread it. By sticking to your own opinion and not being influenced by others will help you to progress further in doing what you want to do, rather than what everyone else wants to do.

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