Thursday 2 October 2014


What is ideology?
a system of ideas and beliefs promoted by dominant groups to reinforce their power.
Ideology in Music Magazines
This is a rap Magazine called 'Vibe' I am going explain how the front cover fits the genre.
The image of T.I. fits the genre because the genre is portrayed as rap which connotes the thoughts of gangster and even depression,  so therefore this image fits the front cover because when you look at T.I. you see the serious look which gives off a slightly negative feeling, as well as the snapback he is wearing, associated with rap. Also the colour scheme of the magazine helps show the feeling of T.I as they've used red for the title which symbolises anger shown by his facial expression, as well as a dark blue background which suggests sincerity and gives an overall sombre feeling.


This is a pop magazine aimed at the younger generation and in particular, girls, shown by the use of the colours pink and light blue. They have used One Direction on the front cover which we all know are most young girls loved icons, therefore suiting the genre very well. I've noticed on these type of magazines, how a lot of the information on the cover is non related to music but more the gossip of celebrities, tips and clothing styles. As you can see they have female celebrities such as Tulisa and Fearne Cotton who young girls love as well half naked guys on the left bottom corner which once again helps with portraying the genre of this magazine.

Comparisons of the two magazines:
Both magazines use colour to attract their target audience and help portray the mood of their magazine. the first magazine wants to create a more adult mood and give a more serious feel to the magazine by usinging darker colours such as Dark blue and red, whereas the second magazine uses more girly and bright colours to portray a happier mood that suits the target audience of a younger age.
Layout is key on both magazine covers, the first magazine is more spacious and spread out with not many captions and only one picture of a well known famous icon, this has more of an adult appeal as the majority of adults are not interested in the gossip and rumours of celebrity relationships. However the second magazine is the complete opposite, as you can see it's a lot more cramped with images and captions of well known icons to fit with the genre and audience is wants to appeal to; this is more suited to a younge audience as they want a window into the lives of their favourite celebrity and they want to know the latest fashion trends and gossip.

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