Monday 20 October 2014

Mass Media

Mass media is the various ways of how information reaches large groups of people through the methods shown below. This can be transferred through 'opinion leaders' who change the way someone thinks.
This image above very cleverly illustrates how one persons opinion about someone or something started off by an 'opinion leader' can spread to someone else in social contact with this person.
I think people should have their own opinion rather than listen/look and follow others, however this is easier said than done. Furthermore, this adds to the point of not following the crowd to fit in, as their opinions may not be right and you can't rely on someone else to think for you.
Another example of this is Social Media which is also influenced by the another persons opinion. Nowadays we are so caught up with celebrity lifestyle and our role models posting their daily events on sites such as Instagram, Blogger, Twitter, Facebook etc. The idea of being in direct contact through social media forces us to believe what these people are doing or saying is right and so naturally spread it. By sticking to your own opinion and not being influenced by others will help you to progress further in doing what you want to do, rather than what everyone else wants to do.

Friday 17 October 2014

Active vs. Passive Audience Theory

Active audience theory argues that media audiences do not just receive information passively but are actively involved with the text, often unconsciously. What they see are influences by factors such as family background, beliefs, values, culture, interests, experiences and education.

However, a passive audience does not actively engage with a media text. A passive audience is one that does not question the message that the media is sending and simply accepts the message in the way the media outlet intended. 
I would prefer my target audience to be active as they would be actively engaged and has their own individual view on the media texts and are influenced by cultures, interests, education or experiences... etc. However, I would like my target audience to be passive so they're not actively engaged with a media text and does not have question the media and simply accept it.
The Hypodermic Needle Theory developed in the 1930’s by researchers interested in explaining the effects of mass media consumption and propaganda in World War 1. This theory stated that all audience members reacted in the same way and how the audience were manipulated. For years the hypodermic syringe model was used to convince us that media could weald a terrible and dangerous influence over our lives.

In contrast to the Bullet/Hypodermic Needle Theory, the uses and Gratification theory assumes audience members are active. Developed in the 1940’s by Paul Lazarfeld, in response to growing criticism of the 2-D nature of the Bullet theory, claims that texts are open (to interpretation) and that consumers have power over the media, rather than the media having power over them. This 'bottom up' theory suggests that people are responsible for picking and choosing which media content they consume, and which way they may be influenced by it. Just as the name suggests, each person has the power to decide which media texts they will consume for their own self ‘gratification’ or satisfaction. An example of this is how many television programs are axed even after only a few screenings of episodes, if the ratings or circulation statistics are low. Therefore, society is in control of the media they consume. Audience members may stop consuming particular media texts by simply switching the television off etc. However, the flaw of this theory is that it assumes the media has little to no influence whatsoever on the individual.

 Different readings;
  • Preferred reading/dominant reading where it is the 'intended' reading of the text.
  • Oppositional reading where you dislike or disagree with the preferred reading.
  • Negotiated reading where you dislike and like different aspects.
  • Aberrant reading where you don't understand/misinterpret.

Therefore, when viewing the media you fall into one of these reading categories depending on your views and opinions on it. 

Denotation and Connotation

Connotation and Denotation are two principal methods of describing the meanings of words.

Connotation refers to the wide array of positive and negative associations that most words naturally carry with them, whereas denotation is the precise, literal definition of a word that might be found in a dictionary.
- Blonde hair
- 'Dumb blonde, jealousy...

- House, home, residence all mean the same thing but all have different connotations.
- Home: cosy, loving, comfortable
- House: the actual building or structure
- Residence: cold, no feeling

Media Text Terminology

Print terms will help with the presentation of my music magazine as it will make it look very professional and sophisticated 
Below are a few examples of print terminology;
  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • Quantitative
  • Qualitative 
  • Serif
  • Sans serif
  • Lower case
  • Upper case
  • Sell lines
  • Masthead
  • House style
  • Mid shot
  • Long shot
  • Close up
  • Wide shot
  • Extreme close up

Advertorial- this is a type of advertising that is placed in a print publication. This sort of advertising appears like an editorial article.

Bleed- is a printing term that refers to printing that goes beyond the page, therefore being the area trimmed off. After trimming, the bleed ensures that no unprinted edges occur in the final trimmed product. Bleed will help me with producing my music magazine to make sure there are no errors of printing at the sides.

Strap line- this is a subsidiary heading or caption in a newspaper or magazine. It is something that needs to be short and easily remembered by an organization so that people can recognize it. This will be good for my magazine as it will hopefully make it stand out from other magazines.

Pass audience- when another person reads a magazine bought buy someone. This could be because it's been left on the side by another household member. Whether they are your target market or not, it adds to the number of people who have read that magazine.

Pug- this is normally situated in the corner of a magazine which looks like a sticker. They usually contain buzz words like 'win £100 of iTunes voucher' which try and persuade the audience to buy the magazine. As well as this, their may be short snippets of information to attract the reader to pick it up.

Tagline- is a small amount of text which serves to clarify a thought for, or designed with a form of, dramatic effect. Many tagline slogans are reiterated phrases associated with the readers interests such as 'exclusive'. This will help with my magazine when wanting to try and engage the reader into buying my magazine.

Gutter is a vertical margin of white space where two pages meet, it allows for bindings in the magazine. This will make my magazine look more professional and also neater and perhaps easier for the reader to read as the text in the middle will not be lost.

Allies are what separates the columns in a text. it will space out the writing making it easier for the reader to read which will make my magazine look neater yet more professional.

M.I.R.A is a way to approach analysis of media text;

M - Media form: What is this? 
E.g. a music video, movie, TV series, magazine, poster...
I - Institution: Who made this?
R - Representation: Who or what does this show?
E.g. is the representation positive or negative? Is it a stereotype or is it original?

A - Audience: Who is it aimed at?

M.I.R.A will help me with my magazine as when my audience ask questions I will know the important things about the magazine such as who made, what is shows and what it is.


Friday 10 October 2014

Mood board

I created an inspirational mood board for my genre of indie pop. I have incorporated different indie pop styles as well as artists such as Lorde, Bastille, Ellie Goulding, Florence and the Machine. There are many more indie pop artists which I haven't included, for example, Taylor Swift, The Kooks, M83, The Lumineers and Sia. I used examples of current magazines at the moment such as Q, INDIE, Rolling Stone, Spin and Fault, in order for me to show what I would like my magazine to look similar too. I have also included different fonts, most of them tend to be a big, bold, clear sans serif fonts which makes the text catch the readers eye. I will keep this in mind when creating my own music magazine as using a similar font may be beneficial for my magazine. Furthermore, I added images of certain instruments used in the indie pop genre such as guitars and drums, as this helps identify the genre of indie pop for those who don't know what it is. Creating this mood board has given me a whole range of different ideas for my future music magazine.

Friday 3 October 2014

Magazine Institutions

Magazine Publishers

Magazines are produced by institutions which are companies that produce, market and distribute texts. The two main music magazine publishers in the UK are Bauer and IPC Media.

Bauer Media Group is a multinational media company headquartered in Hamburg in Germany. Since the company was founded in 1875, it has been managed by four generations of the Bauer family. Originally a small printing house, The Bauer Publishing Group has grown into a worldwide publishing and media company. The Bauer Publishing Group comprises 300 magazines worldwide in 15 countries, as well as TV and radio stations. Bauer started in the UK with the launch of Bella magazine in 1987 and as H Bauer Publishing became Britain's third largest publisher, Bauer further expanded in the UK with the purchases of Emap Consumer media and Emap Radio in 2008 to then become the UK's biggest publishing group. Bauer media brands include; Kerrang! a rock music magazine which originally began as a magazine then later in 2004 Kerrang radio was launched. Also, Q was first published in 1986, setting itself apart from much of the other music press with monthly production and higher standards of photography and printing, with an emphasis on style. Lastly Mojo


IPC Media which stands for International Publishing Corporation Media was founded in 1958. IPC Media publishes music magazines such as NME a weekly pop/rock music magazine published in March 1952, also, Uncut, a monthly magazine that mainly focusses on music, but also includes film and books sections.

Independent Publishing Alternatives

If a magazine is likely to have a narrow, specialist appeal it may be published by an independent publisher.
Although the sales might be lower, the magazine producer can also focus on an area that would not be covered by major publishers.

Shindig! is an example of a independent publishing alternative. Not only does Shindig! focus on music, it covers art, fashion, architecture, film and TV. According to the latest survey, 82% of Shindig! readers are in the ABC1 category which shows it has a wide range of different people buying it, however, men make up 83% of the readership where women take up 17%.


I have been looking at different fonts for my magazine front cover. I want my music magazine front cover to look very vintage and retro, and I think these fonts will make my front cover stand. I need a font that is eye catching but not too much to take away the focus off the other features which also appear on the front cover. After some consideration, I have chosen the 'limelight' font as it is very plain yet does not create a distraction from the rest of the features on the front cover. 

The name of my music magazine is going to be 'Indie-Rock', simple but effective as it clearly shows and tells the reader straight away the genre of my music magazine. Out of the twelve fonts I narrowed it down to, I wanted to see what they would look like at the masthead of my magazine, so I wrote 'Indie Rock'
in all of the twelve different fonts to then decide which one looked more effective.

After further looking at the different fonts, I decided that the big, bold fonts such as the 'Accent SF' font came across too gothy and in your face. Furthermore, this would draw the readers eyes away from the image and other features on the magazine front cover. 

Keeping in mind that I want my magazine to look vintage and retro I decided that the 'Stylistic SF' font did this for me. It is very plain and simple but it also catches the readers eye. On the other hand, it will stand out and it also won't take the focus off the other features. I wish to have the main image to overlap the masthead slightly to then draw attention to the main image and then further snippets of information on the front cover, this would be to then make the viewer want to buy it and read it.

Thursday 2 October 2014


What is ideology?
a system of ideas and beliefs promoted by dominant groups to reinforce their power.
Ideology in Music Magazines
This is a rap Magazine called 'Vibe' I am going explain how the front cover fits the genre.
The image of T.I. fits the genre because the genre is portrayed as rap which connotes the thoughts of gangster and even depression,  so therefore this image fits the front cover because when you look at T.I. you see the serious look which gives off a slightly negative feeling, as well as the snapback he is wearing, associated with rap. Also the colour scheme of the magazine helps show the feeling of T.I as they've used red for the title which symbolises anger shown by his facial expression, as well as a dark blue background which suggests sincerity and gives an overall sombre feeling.


This is a pop magazine aimed at the younger generation and in particular, girls, shown by the use of the colours pink and light blue. They have used One Direction on the front cover which we all know are most young girls loved icons, therefore suiting the genre very well. I've noticed on these type of magazines, how a lot of the information on the cover is non related to music but more the gossip of celebrities, tips and clothing styles. As you can see they have female celebrities such as Tulisa and Fearne Cotton who young girls love as well half naked guys on the left bottom corner which once again helps with portraying the genre of this magazine.

Comparisons of the two magazines:
Both magazines use colour to attract their target audience and help portray the mood of their magazine. the first magazine wants to create a more adult mood and give a more serious feel to the magazine by usinging darker colours such as Dark blue and red, whereas the second magazine uses more girly and bright colours to portray a happier mood that suits the target audience of a younger age.
Layout is key on both magazine covers, the first magazine is more spacious and spread out with not many captions and only one picture of a well known famous icon, this has more of an adult appeal as the majority of adults are not interested in the gossip and rumours of celebrity relationships. However the second magazine is the complete opposite, as you can see it's a lot more cramped with images and captions of well known icons to fit with the genre and audience is wants to appeal to; this is more suited to a younge audience as they want a window into the lives of their favourite celebrity and they want to know the latest fashion trends and gossip.