Friday 16 January 2015

Construction of my magazine

When researching how to construct a good magazine, I found the most important thing was the material on the cover as this is the first thing a reader is attracted to when they see it on the shop shelf. In my planning stage, I was very sure about who I wanted my talent to be, where my photo's were going to be taken and when they were going to be taken. Although I knew all this information, I wasn't sure what I wanted my model to be doing or what pictures I wanted to be on my cover and double page spread. I Learnt that this is the key factor in making a good magazine so that the pictures go with the genre. My photo's luckily turned out great, and because of my outfit planning, I never had an issue with the pictures not going with the genre so I am happy with how this went.

I originally chose the left photo below to be on my front cover....



 As I started putting the header and information on, I realized that due to the image being a close up and being taken horizontal, it was a lot harder to crop and reposition this image on the cover. I thought about getting rid of the background, however I wanted to keep the model being set in the country as this portrays an indie type vide. I was adamant about having this image so I tried everything from stretching, cropping, adjusting brightness and contrast, but I still couldn't find a  way of making it fit the page properly.

I then decided to use a similar picture but one which was shot further away so that I could make it fit the cover easier. I kept the model looking directly into the camera so show a serious look which engages the readers direct attention. My aim is to place the title of my magazine behind the models head, but in front of the background so that it makes the audience think and recognise my magazine overtime.

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